+# askpass.sh by Felix Kästner, GPL3
+# in $* there could be the prompt-message (from an invoking program like sudo)
+# delete any trailing space or colon and write it to stderr
+promptmsg="enter password:"
+[ "$*" != "" ] && promptmsg="${*% }"
+echo -en "$0: ${promptmsg%:}: " >&2
+cx='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789' # chars that can be echoed as feedback for a keypress, there have been problems when using special chars
+while :
+ # set IFS to newline and read a character
+ # -s silent, -r \ is taken literal, not as escape character, -n 1 only one char is read
+ IFS=$'\n' read -s -r -n 1 char
+ case "$char" in
+ "\7f")
+ # backspace was pressed
+ # deletes the last character from $pw and moves the cursor one char back, deleting this char, but don't delete more chars than available
+ pw="${pw%?}"
+ [ $stars -gt 0 ] && { ((stars--)); echo -en "\b \b" >&2; }
+ ;;
+ "\ 4")
+ # ctrl + d was pressed, this means abort/cancel
+ # delete all echoed characters, unset variables and exit
+ while [ $((stars--)) -gt 0 ]
+ do
+ echo -en "\b \b" >&2
+ done
+ unset pw char stars rnd cx
+ echo "cancelled " >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ ?)
+ # add the char to pw and echo some chars as visual feedback
+ pw="$pw$char"
+ ((rnd = RANDOM % 3 + 1)) # bash specific
+ ((stars += rnd))
+ # echos $rnd much of the characters from $cx
+ while [ $((rnd--)) -gt 0 ]
+ do
+ echo -n "${cx:$(($RANDOM % ${#cx})):1}" >&2
+ done
+ ;;
+ "")
+ # no new character, so pw is completed
+ # delete the echoed characters
+ remain=$(($RANDOM % 4 + 6))
+ while [ $((stars--)) -gt $remain ]
+ do
+ echo -en "\b \b" >&2
+ done
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+# write a newline to stderr and the password to stdout
+echo "" >&2
+echo "$pw"
+unset pw char stars rnd cx remain