# anchor2post
+(deutsch weiter unten / German text below)
+provide the key-value pairs as anchor to this html-script
+use anchor2posturl=url to specify the url to post the query to
+use anchor2postfavicon=path/to/favicon to specify a favicon
+example: anchor2post.html#anchor2posturl=https://ixquick.de/do/search&anchor2postfavicon=https://eu.ixquick.com/favicon.ico&query=searchterm
+advantages/ disadvantages:
+- there is cookie support to determine whether to auto submit the form or not. this is useful when you go back to this site (via browser history) because then you most likely do not want to submit the form again. if there is no cookie support a very simple test using the history length will be done
+- there is favicon support to have a nice icon when this is saved as a bookmark in the browser. it is not working very well since the favicon is added dynamically. this could result in an empty icon after a browser restart.
+- the server should not see the query since it is only an anchor and so not send to the server, but you need javascript enabled for this html-script to work and thus trust the server that delivers the html
+- for comfort reasons you might also need cookies enabled and perhaps from the value in the cookie the anchor can be recalculated.
+- there might be problems if there is a # in the query string
+== Deutsch / German ==
+steht noch hier: (https://www.fpunktk.de/project-anchor2post.html)
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta charset="UTF-8">
+<!-- https://github.com/fpunktk/anchor2post -->
+<script type="text/javascript">
+var keyvals = document.URL.toString().split("#")[1]; // TODO: what happens if there is no # in the url?
+var keyval_regex = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g;
+var hist_length_regex = /([^ ]+)_history.length=(\d+)/g;
+var tmp;
+var input;
+var anchorhash = "";
+var hash_characters = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
+var action_set = "false";
+var auto_submit = "true";
+var anchorhash_found = "false";
+var form = document.createElement("form");
+// calculate a hash from the anchor, not very unique or cryptographically secure, just transform two characters from keyvals to one character from hash_characters
+for ( var i = 1; i < keyvals.length; i+=2 ) {
+ anchorhash += hash_characters.substr( (keyvals.charCodeAt(i-1) + keyvals.charCodeAt(i)) % hash_characters.length, 1 );
+// process the anchor-string, extract the url, favicon and the data to post to the url
+while ( tmp = keyval_regex.exec(keyvals) ) {
+ if ( decodeURIComponent(tmp[1]) == "anchor2posturl" ) {
+ form.setAttribute("action", decodeURIComponent(tmp[2]));
+ action_set = "true";
+ } else if ( decodeURIComponent(tmp[1]) == "anchor2postfavicon" ) {
+ var favicon = document.createElement("link");
+ favicon.setAttribute("rel", "icon");
+ favicon.setAttribute("href", decodeURIComponent(tmp[2]));
+ //favicon.setAttribute("type", "image/png"); // nobody knows the content type
+ document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(favicon);
+ } else {
+ input = document.createElement("input");
+ input.setAttribute("name", decodeURIComponent(tmp[1]));
+ input.setAttribute("value", decodeURIComponent(tmp[2]));
+ form.appendChild(input);
+ }
+// set or read a cookie to determine whether to submit the form automatically or not; reason: if you go back to this site you most likely don't want to be automatically forwarded again
+if ( navigator.cookieEnabled == true ) {
+ //alert("cookies allowed \n" + auto_submit + "\n" + document.cookie.replace(/ /g, "\n")); // debug
+ while ( tmp = hist_length_regex.exec(document.cookie) ) {
+ if ( tmp[1] == anchorhash ) {
+ // a cookie for this anchorhash is found, so it has already been submitted
+ // do not auto submit the form if the saved history length is different from the actual history length and from 1 (which means this is an new tab)
+ if ( history.length != 1 && history.length > tmp[2] ) {
+ auto_submit = "false";
+ }
+ anchorhash_found = "true";
+ //alert(history.length + " " + tmp[2] + " " + auto_submit); // debug
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // add this anchorhash to the cookie if it wasn't found
+ if ( anchorhash_found === "false" ) {
+ document.cookie = anchorhash + "_history.length=" + history.length;
+ }
+ // update the cookies expiration time
+ // TODO: I think this is not working as expected, perhaps try document.cookie +=
+ var expiredate = new Date();
+ expiredate.setTime(expiredate.getTime() + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); // 24 hours
+ document.cookie = "expires=" + expiredate.toGMTString();
+} else {
+ // no cookie support, don't submit the form if there is a history
+ // TODO: better would be: if there is no forward history: submit the form; but I don't know how to find out whether there is a forward history without using cookies
+ if ( history.length != 1 ) {
+ auto_submit = "false";
+ }
+if ( action_set === "true" ) {
+ if ( auto_submit === "true" ) {
+ form.setAttribute("style","display: none;");
+ document.body.appendChild(form);
+ form.submit();
+ } else {
+ // don't auto-submit the form, display a button
+ input = document.createElement("input");
+ input.setAttribute("type", "submit");
+ input.setAttribute("value", "submit form");
+ input.setAttribute("id", "id-form-submit-button");
+ form.appendChild(input);
+ document.body.appendChild(form);
+ document.getElementById("id-form-submit-button").focus();
+ }
+} else {
+ document.write("<h1>anchor2posturl has not been set, no request was sent</h1>");
+<h1>please enable javascript</h1>