--- /dev/null
+import java.security.InvalidParameterException;
+import java.util.Random;
+import java.util.Vector;
+public class ShamirsSecret {
+ private static Random rand = new Random();
+ private static int prime = 257;
+ public static int ggT(int a, int b){
+ if (b<0) b=-b;
+ if (a==0) return b;
+ if (a<0) a=-a;
+ while (b != 0) if (a>b) a-=b; else b-=a;
+ return a;
+ }
+ public static class Quotient{
+ int divident;
+ int divisor;
+ public Quotient(int i) {
+ this.divident=i;
+ this.divisor=1;
+ }
+ public Quotient(int divident,int divisor) throws InvalidParameterException{
+ if (divisor == 0) throw new InvalidParameterException("Divisor of quotient must not be zero!");
+ int ggt = ggT(divident,divisor);
+ if (divisor<0) ggt = -ggt;
+ this.divident=divident/ggt;
+ this.divisor=divisor/ggt;
+ }
+ public Quotient times(Quotient q) throws InvalidParameterException{
+ return new Quotient(this.divident * q.divident,this.divisor * q.divisor);
+ }
+ public Quotient times(int m) throws InvalidParameterException{
+ return new Quotient(this.divident * m,this.divisor);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return (divisor == 1) ? ""+divident : "["+divident+"/"+divisor+"]";
+ }
+ public int val() throws InvalidParameterException {
+ if (divisor != 1) throw new InvalidParameterException("Divisor should not be "+divisor);
+ return divident;
+ }
+ public Quotient add(int i) throws InvalidParameterException{
+ return add(new Quotient(i));
+ }
+ public Quotient add(Quotient q) throws InvalidParameterException {
+ return new Quotient(divident*q.divisor + divisor*q.divident,divisor*q.divisor);
+ }
+ public int mod(int q) throws InvalidParameterException {
+ int inv = 0;
+ while ((divisor*inv)%q !=1)inv++; // search the inverse of the divisor
+ return (divident*inv)%q;
+ }
+ }
+ public static class Share{
+ private int x,y;
+ public Share(int x, int[] coefficients) {
+ this.x=x;
+ int sum=0;
+ for (int i=0; i<coefficients.length; i++) sum+=coefficients[i]*pow(x,i);
+ this.y=sum % prime;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return "Secret(x = "+x+", y = "+y+")";
+ }
+ }
+ private static int pow(int x,int e){
+ return (e==0) ? 1 : x*pow(x,e-1);
+ }
+ private static Vector<Share> createSecrets(int secret, int count, int requires) {
+ Vector<Share> result = new Vector<Share>();
+ int [] coefficients = new int[requires];
+ coefficients[0] = secret;
+ for (int i=1; i<requires; i++) coefficients[i]=rand.nextInt(256);
+ for (int x=1; x<=count; x++) result.add(new Share(x, coefficients));
+ return result;
+ }
+ private static int reconstruct(Vector<Share> shares) throws InvalidParameterException{
+ Quotient sum = new Quotient(0);
+ for (Share share_j:shares){
+ Quotient prod = new Quotient(1);
+ for (Share share_m:shares){
+ if (share_j == share_m) continue;
+ prod = prod.times(new Quotient(share_m.x,share_m.x-share_j.x));
+ }
+ sum = sum.add(prod.times(share_j.y));
+ }
+ return sum.mod(prime);
+ }
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws InvalidParameterException {
+ int secret = rand.nextInt(256);
+ System.out.println(secret);
+ Vector<Share> shares = createSecrets(secret,6,3);
+ System.out.println(shares);
+ shares.remove(1);
+ shares.remove(2);
+ shares.remove(3);
+ System.out.println(shares);
+ secret=reconstruct(shares);
+ System.out.println(secret);
+ }