--- /dev/null
+# annotate xkcd comics with title and alt-text
+# copyright Felix Kästner (fpunktk), GPL
+# expected fileformat: [^-]*-[0-9]+-.*\.(jpg|png)
+am="1" # alt-text margin left and right
+# change margin for alt-text to manually prevent overflow
+case "$1" in
+ [0-9]|[1-9][0-9])
+ [ $1 -lt $(($minwidth / 10)) ] && am="$1"
+ ;;
+mkdir -pv "$destdir"
+for fn in xkcd*.png xkcd*.jpg
+ [ -f "$fn" ] || continue
+ echo "$fn"
+ # get width and height from the original image
+ read cw ch <<<$(identify -format '%w %h' "$fn")
+ w="$cw"
+ [ $w -lt $minwidth ] && w="$minwidth"
+ # extract the number (between the -)
+ nn="${fn#*-}"
+ nn="${nn%%-*}"
+ # download the json with the image information if it does not exist
+ [ -r "$destdir${fn%\.*}.json" ] || wget -q -O "$destdir${fn%\.*}.json" "http://xkcd.com/$nn/info.0.json"
+ json="$(cat "$destdir${fn%\.*}.json")"
+ # extract title-text and alt-text from json (dirty hack, might break things)
+ tt="${json#*\"title\": \"}"
+ tt="${tt%%\", *}"
+ at="${json#*\"alt\": \"}"
+ at="${at%%\", *}"
+ # write title-text (with number) and alt-text to a new png image
+ convert -background white -border 2x0 -bordercolor white -fill black -font "$title_font" -pointsize "$title_size" -size $(($w-4))x -gravity Center caption:"xkcd $nn: $tt" tt.png
+ # TODO: sometimes text gets cut off for no obvious reason, can be prevented by specifying margin $am
+ convert -background '#FFF9BD' -bordercolor '#FFF9BD' -border ${am}x0 -bordercolor black -border 1x1 -fill black -font "$alt_font" -pointsize "$alt_size" -size $(($w-2-$am-$am))x -gravity Center caption:"$at" at.png
+ # get height from the new images
+ th="$(identify -format '%h' tt.png)"
+ ah="$(identify -format '%h' at.png)"
+ echo -e "$nn $w $ch $th $ah \n$tt \n$at \n"
+ # combine the images
+ convert -size ${w}x$(($ch+$th+$ah+5)) "xc:white" tt.png -geometry +0+0 -composite "$fn" -geometry +$((($w-$cw)/2))+$th -composite at.png -geometry +0+$(($th+$ch+5)) -composite "$destdir${fn%\.*}.png"
+ # delete temporary images
+ rm tt.png at.png